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Science & The Media - Identity Study

A Message From Our Project Lead.......

 Salina Gray -
Ph.D. Candidate 
Stanford Graduate School of Education

Our national discourse regarding the sustainability of our science-based economy has highlighted the need to increase the numbers of qualified scientists. Given the practice of importing international scientists to fulfill available jobs, it is critical that we train our next generation of qualified scientists. This challenge is compounded by schools failure to prepare African-American children to become the scientists we desire. This project hopes to explore how the many influences surrounding student identity development can impact students' sense of belonging to science. We hope to explore this identity development in detail by examining how students see themselves as members of the science community. To complete this study we will need your assistance. We are looking to recruit 500 middle and high school students of all races to participate in our study. Please forward this page and the survey to students you know. To take the survey now click below:

Thank you for your assistance! We look forward to sharing our findings with you.

Salina Gray