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Project: The Science In The City Summer Camp



Project: The Emotive Discursive Identity Study

We are in the early stages of exploring the psycho-emotional implications of discursive identity interactions in classrooms.

As individuals interact with the complex symbol systems, words, mathematics, and grammar of science classrooms, we send messages of membership and identity. This study explores how altering the delivery and messenger of scientific communicate can impact students’ sense of self and sense of science belonging. We are in an ongoing study of this phenomenon using both Psychological and traditional social science research methods.

Project: Disaggregate Instruction Classroom Experiment

We are investigating the impact of using a disaggregate approach to teaching science. 

As a secondary extension to our initial research, we are using pre-scripted lesson plans to test if using an disaggregate approach to science teaching will produce greater learning outcomes for students. Currently this project involves urban classroom teachers using a both aggregate and disaggregate instructional methodologies to teach their Biology, Chemistry, and Physics courses.

Project: The Black Science Project

Currently, we are investigating what socio-cultural factors seem to impact students entering science careers. 

Through a survey study of 600 Black Scientists and Black Students who are majoring in stem careers, we are investigating how contemporary theories of educational underperformance explain differences in those who have earned degrees in science with those who are currently currently attempting to earn degrees in STEM related fields. 

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